Navan, Meath
Permanent / Full-time


Proudfoot Motors Ltd are seeking a motor mechanic apprentice.

Candidates should have good written and oral English, hold a clean, valid and current drivers licence and be computer literate with strong organisational skills. This role will initially begin with a probationary period which will involve the candidate getting familiar with all aspects of the workshop, valeting and CVRT departments within the garage. This will involve a hands-on approach working in these areas, carrying out some of the following type of work;

Valeting new and used vehicles

Tyre fitting and balancing

Assisting technicians in their duties

Workshop housekeeping ensuring good health and safety procedures

During the induction period the successful candidate will be appraised for suitability to go forward for a Motor Mechanic Apprenticeship with Solas.

Applicants are required to have a minimum of 5 D grades in the leaving certificate, in one sitting, in the following subjects;

English or Irish
Science Subject (Agricultural Science, Applied Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physics and Chemistry.)
Any two other subjects
If you have not obtained the required grade in any of the above Science subjects, the following is acceptable at Leaving Certificate Level:
Art, Construction Studies, Design and Communication Graphics, Engineering, Home Economics, and Technology.

Applicants must be aged 17 or over and be capable of passing the Ishihara colour vision test.

Our opening hours are Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.00pm.

Applicants will be working in Beechmount Homepark, Navan, Co Meath

Apply for Motor Mechanic Apprentice

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