Wexford, Wexford
Trade - Freelance


We are recruiting experienced RGI Registered Domestic Gas Engineers / Domestic Craft Plumbers to join our team to work on a wide range of projects in the Wexford region with the primary responsibility of carrying out gas service alterations amongst other works including the installation of gas boiler, heating control upgrades as well as gas boiler servicing and repairs

In return, we provide suitable applicants very competitive packages along with all the training and support required to enable you to maximise your potential in this exciting sector.

About the Role

Service, repair, and safety inspection of all domestic heating appliances
Service and repair of domestic central heating and hot water plumbing systems
First time diagnosis and repair of heating appliances and system faults
Upgrade and installation of central heating system controls with smart technologies
Carry out a range of electrical safety tests on domestic heating installations
Correctly locate, install, and verify CO alarms to current gas standards
Carry out a range of testing with Combustion Gas Analysers including room safety
Responsibility for all aspects of central heating installation and customer safety
Generate, organise, and maintain company and regulatory documentation.

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